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Office 401-216-6506 Text Tim 401-595-1665

Property Division Attorney

During marriage, both spouses work hard to build their wealth and better their futures. Whether that means buying a house, investing in the stock market or building retirement accounts, it’s important to consider what will happen with your assets after the divorce.

Many people think their property will simply be divided in half after the divorce. Although property is split equitably, that does not mean each spouse will receive half of each asset. Likewise, for couples who have debt or are underwater on their mortgages, it’s important to understand your options and the long-term ramifications of dividing debts.

At my firm — The Law Office of Timothy M. Sweet, LLC — I work closely with individuals to educate them about their options and to help ensure their best interests are protected in the immediate and long-term future.

How Are Marital Assets And Debts Divided?

During property division, each spouse is awarded an equitable portion of the couple’s assets and debt. However, it’s important to understand that equitable does not always mean equal. For example, when one spouse is determined to be at-fault for the divorce, the other party may receive more than 50 percent of the assets.

Working with an experienced property division attorney can help ensure you receive a fair portion of the assets. I offer legal counsel to individuals in Providence and throughout Rhode Island in all property division matters, including:

When you contact me, I can help ensure all assets are accounted for and properly valuated. Learn more about the counsel an experienced lawyer can provide by scheduling your free initial consultation. I can be reached through an online contact form or by calling 401-216-6506.

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