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Business Valuation Attorney

When a couple is getting divorced, they are typically concerned about three main things — their kids, the cost of the process and their assets. For couples who have family-owned businesses, valuating and dividing the business can be one of the most complicated aspects of the divorce. With so much at stake, it’s critical to work with an experienced business valuation attorney who understands the various valuation methods and the impact each could have on an individual’s future.

When you contact my firm — The Law Office of Timothy M. Sweet, LLC — I can help determine the most effective way to move forward with the business and divorce. I have dedicated my career to helping clients resolve family law matters, and my experience as a small-business owner allows me to provide additional insights to my clients.

How Is The Business Valuated?

With many small- to mid-sized businesses, there are numerous things that may be considered during the business valuation. Does the business’s value come from the real estate where the business is located? The customer lists? The talent of each professional? The cash flow of the company?

Because there are numerous factors that can be considered and weighted differently, it’s important for each spouse to work with a business valuation expert. I work closely with my clients and the business valuators, working to ensure each aspect of the business is fully and accurately valuated.

Contact An Experienced Providence Lawyer

After the business is valuated, it’s common for the spouse who will continue operating the business to buy the other spouse out. I work with clients throughout Rhode Island to help ensure their best interests are protected throughout the process. Learn more about your options by scheduling a free initial consultation. I can be reached through an online contact form or by calling 401-216-6506.

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