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Will I Owe Child Support Arrears?

Many parents paying child support only learn about the specter of child support arrears at their court date, and it often comes as an unpleasant surprise. The common misconception is that one parent goes to court asking for child support…

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Snippets from Family Court (overdose)

Judge: Good morning, parents.  It seems your children were removed from your care after an overdose. Attorney: Ridiculous.  We demand immediate reunification! Judge: No one demands anything in my Courtroom. Attorney: nonetheless. Social worker: The mother overdosed on Narcan.  We…

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Parents Brawl at Bowling Alley

To get divorced (when children are involved) be sure to specifically illustrate exactly how you two former love birds wish to divide time with the kids for each major holiday and special occasion. Unless I am told otherwise from the…

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Toddler Trouble

Consider this worst-case scenario.  You are a new parent of a very young child.  You are doing your best, but you are on your own and (let’s all face it) there is a learning curve to all parenting.  You try…

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Children in State Custody

This past Thursday, our local newspaper ran a blistering story blaming the Department of Children, Youth, and Families for the fact that twelve separate children in state custody have been lost during the pendency of various court cases in which…

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