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On Parenting Time

There will be a point after a separation or divorce when both parents find themselves in a novel and eerie parenting time scenario.  For the first time for many parents, when they get home from work or school or wherever…

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Choosing Your Co-parent

In a recent Ted Radio Hour podcast I listened to, a scientist said something I have been giving a lot of thought.  She said that the more beautiful the male peacock is, the more he preens about during the “dating…

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Will I Owe Child Support Arrears?

Many parents paying child support only learn about the specter of child support arrears at their court date, and it often comes as an unpleasant surprise. The common misconception is that one parent goes to court asking for child support…

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What IS a Guardianship?

Many parents (natural, foster, and adoptive) can become confused about what a "Guardianship" is in the Rhode Island Family Court. When a child is placed into DCYF custody in The State of Rhode Island, the Family Court judge assigned to…

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We are Hiring!

We are hiring a junior associate attorney.  Here's why: I haven't been on vacation since my honeymoon. My daughter suddenly seems a lot taller. The hairs in my beard are going grey, then white, then falling out. I think all…

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