Try Not to Poop on Your Child
None of us is a perfect parent. I, personally, have been known to steal more than a few bites of my darling daughter’s mac and cheese when I feed her dinner (the horror!). We all have a few stories our exes could…
None of us is a perfect parent. I, personally, have been known to steal more than a few bites of my darling daughter’s mac and cheese when I feed her dinner (the horror!). We all have a few stories our exes could…
Family lawyers spend their entire day (and most of their night) focusing on their client's families with precious little attention given to their own. On most days, I personally spend only a little over an hour with my own family,…
It is the great human tragedy to fall in love with someone just long enough to create a human being and thereafter come to hate the other parent so perfectly that you would do anything real or imagined to cause…
Many of us who are part of the Family Law section of the Rhode Island Bar Association are actually quite wonderful to one another. At least when the parties aren't looking. Most of the Family Law attorneys who practice everyday…
I dug deep into my box of Family Court secrets and pulled up a good one. You're not going to want to hear it. You're not going to believe it. But here goes: your family court judge is there to…
By Guest Blogger. Have you ever heard of the term “mama bear”? Of course you have, you’re reading this blog. Let me tell you a little story involving this mama bear that happened over the course of the past week.…
By Guest Blogger. It’s over. That two week break you had from not having to worry about anything to do with anything in your case in family court. The lawyers (kind of) had a break; the judges had a break;…
By: Guest Blogger Okay, bear with me on this one. If you’re stuck in the swamp and you’ve been through all these resources, or think you have, look into them again. Family Court changes all the time, as do some…
This past Thursday, our local newspaper ran a blistering story blaming the Department of Children, Youth, and Families for the fact that twelve separate children in state custody have been lost during the pendency of various court cases in which…
Hey, remember the Rambo Litigator? The one that spends all of their time wasted in court flipping out about their client’s $0.12 decrease in salary, so they can get child support lowered by that much? The one that is an…