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One Free Divorce!

In "honor" of this gimmicky holiday Valentine's Day I have a gimmick of my own.   I am giving away one free divorce to any nice / normal person who asks.  I will handle the case myself.  No catches no tricks.…

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Toddler Trouble

Consider this worst-case scenario.  You are a new parent of a very young child.  You are doing your best, but you are on your own and (let’s all face it) there is a learning curve to all parenting.  You try…

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Re: Restraining Orders

If you are the victim of domestic violence, or are reasonably in imminent fear that abuse or violence will be inflicted upon you or your children by a spouse, ex-spouse, partner, or anyone with whom you have a "significant romantic…

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How is My Retainer Spent?

Parties to a Family Court case often have never hired an attorney before.  They may never have stepped foot in court before.  For this reason, during my initial consultation with Family Law litigants I find myself having to explain what…

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Evil Granny!

Imagine you are a young dad (that would make you “Dad” in our story).  You just found out that your ex-girlfriend (“Mom”) is pregnant.  You are dubious but you need to find out.  So, you ask your friends, family, pastor,…

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OMG, so gross.

As a family law attorney, I am self-conscious of the stigma of my choice of law.  The shadow that follows we brave few everywhere we go.  Not so much a shadow as a stench.  Family law attorneys are not popular,…

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You Need a Divorce Dolphin!

People first shopping for a family law attorney in their state never consider the value of a dolphin, everyone wants (or at least they think they want) a shark.  Everyone wants a shark, right?!  That’s how those moms in TV…

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