One Free Divorce!
In "honor" of this gimmicky holiday Valentine's Day I have a gimmick of my own. I am giving away one free divorce to any nice / normal person who asks. I will handle the case myself. No catches no tricks.…
In "honor" of this gimmicky holiday Valentine's Day I have a gimmick of my own. I am giving away one free divorce to any nice / normal person who asks. I will handle the case myself. No catches no tricks.…
Consider this worst-case scenario. You are a new parent of a very young child. You are doing your best, but you are on your own and (let’s all face it) there is a learning curve to all parenting. You try…
This morning during an otherwise routine divorce hearing in Providence County, so early in the day that the caffeine was still buzzing me, a strange and funny thing happened. My client, Plaintiff / wife (who, it must be said, was…
If you are the victim of domestic violence, or are reasonably in imminent fear that abuse or violence will be inflicted upon you or your children by a spouse, ex-spouse, partner, or anyone with whom you have a "significant romantic…
Parties to a Family Court case often have never hired an attorney before. They may never have stepped foot in court before. For this reason, during my initial consultation with Family Law litigants I find myself having to explain what…
The question divorce attorneys get asked more often than any other - believe it or not - is how to properly complete the financial form. The financial form, or as we call it in R.I. a "DR-6", is the mandatory…
Imagine you are a young dad (that would make you “Dad” in our story). You just found out that your ex-girlfriend (“Mom”) is pregnant. You are dubious but you need to find out. So, you ask your friends, family, pastor,…
As a family law attorney, I am self-conscious of the stigma of my choice of law. The shadow that follows we brave few everywhere we go. Not so much a shadow as a stench. Family law attorneys are not popular,…
People first shopping for a family law attorney in their state never consider the value of a dolphin, everyone wants (or at least they think they want) a shark. Everyone wants a shark, right?! That’s how those moms in TV…
In R.I., child support can be terminated when a child BOTH reaches eighteen (18) years of age AND graduates from high school. The obligation will not end until the latter of these two milestones is reached. For example, if the…