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Passenger Side Punching Bag

Family law attorneys are professional bad guys (and gals). What with the black cowboy hat and patchy sideburns we gum a broken cigar between our lips and let our three-day-stubble do the talking. If you meet your family law attorney…

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The Parent Signal

Today's parents already wear many hats: nurse, teacher, spiritual guide, saucier, confidante, cheerleader, janitor, exorcist, on and on. Modern parents navigating a bitter divorce find themselves in an impossible situation.  Bestselling books and Ph.D. theses have been written about the…

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Months into a contested custody case I have (I represent the mother), opposing party (father) racked up his second DUI by wrapping his car around a utility pole.  Mercifully, the child was not in the car at the time.  But…

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Finally, the End

The only truly beautiful, breathtaking part of a Family Law case is the very end. "A good case is a closed case," is the mantra in the courthouse hallways and closets where divorce attorneys hide and nap.  And that is really…

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Ode to Coconuts

The RI Family Court used to have a judge (now retired) who would quickly lose his temper with parties or lawyers in a divorce action who were fighting needlessly when no minor children were involved. “You two can’t divide the…

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Cat Farts & Patchouli

The attorney-client relationship in the RI family court is … strange.  You need the exact right kind of lawyer for you.  Every attorney is a unique dandelion, but here are a few common types to look out for.  Choose which…

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Toddler Trouble

Consider this worst-case scenario.  You are a new parent of a very young child.  You are doing your best, but you are on your own and (let’s all face it) there is a learning curve to all parenting.  You try…

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Re: Restraining Orders

If you are the victim of domestic violence, or are reasonably in imminent fear that abuse or violence will be inflicted upon you or your children by a spouse, ex-spouse, partner, or anyone with whom you have a "significant romantic…

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