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Cat Farts & Patchouli

The attorney-client relationship in the RI family court is … strange.  You need the exact right kind of lawyer for you.  Every attorney is a unique dandelion, but here are a few common types to look out for.  Choose which…

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You Need a Divorce Dolphin!

People first shopping for a family law attorney in their state never consider the value of a dolphin, everyone wants (or at least they think they want) a shark.  Everyone wants a shark, right?!  That’s how those moms in TV…

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What Does Child Support Cover, Anyway?

In R.I., child support is carefully modulated by the General Assembly to help with the minor child’s food, clothing, and shelter.  Food.  Clothing.  Shelter.  Therefore, if a non-custodial parent pays his (let’s say his for this hypothetical) child support consistently,…

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What is a Guardian ad Litem?

A Guardian ad Litem is an attorney who represents the child, and only the child.  She is not beholden to either party and is thus independent of the burden of having a paying client to impress. Mother’s attorney is expected…

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Can My Spouse Pay for My Divorce?

A wonderful woman came into my office last week, a victim of abuse who had been cornered and stuck in her marriage for far too long.  Her spouse was emotionally and psychologically abusive, was controlling every aspect of her life. …

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I Think My Judge Doesn’t Like Me

After a rather heated and pathetic exchange in open court in a recent divorce action involving such matters as temporary alimony, a rabid skunk, bankruptcy, lingerie and bank fraud the judge became (understandably) disgusted and walked off the bench leaving…

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