Many people who are filing with the Family Court feel as though they have a genuine emergency. For the most part, they are mistaken. When you file your case in the RI Family Court, you are given a court date…
Many people who are filing with the Family Court feel as though they have a genuine emergency. For the most part, they are mistaken. When you file your case in the RI Family Court, you are given a court date…
An associate of mine was speaking with a father / client of ours one time, and passed on a concern of the Mother’s that he (father) was smoking in the car with the kiddo. Father was confused. He pointed out…
Family Law attorneys are known for our dead eyes and desiccated souls. Any Family Law attorney with more than five years experience is only worth her weight in apathy. Truly, we are just well-dressed mall walkers, always moving quickly from…
The one lament I hear more than any other in Family Court is some version of, "I want a trial!". To which I respond something snarky like, "No, you really don't", or, "Everyone wants a trial until they get a…
I don’t know how attorneys get on with their clients in bankruptcy, criminal, or real estate closings, but in family court chances are you are not going to be lifelong besties with your attorney. And it’s not our fault. It’s…
Not everyone knows exactly what a deposition is: Instrument of torture used in the Middle Ages to see if someone was a witch? One of the forms you sign when you apply for a mortgage? Name of the trendiest new…
The most commonly-asked question by a brand new client visiting a family law office is some version of, “How long is my case going to take?”. Or, “When can I finally be free of my wife (or husband)?". Or, “What’s…
Should you find yourself in the RI Family Court you have unknowingly and unintentionally become part of quite a process. A process that I hope you are coming to understand a bit better with each pithy blog post. One part…
A fellow Family Law attorney told the following anecdote, and I think it encapsulates the Family Court experience (n.b. “standing” means the right to bring a case, i.e. either parent of a child has standing to file a custody case…
In Family Court, the yelling lawyer is the losing lawyer. Any legal argument that can rest upon its own reason need not be screamed. It can be given at any decibel and be perfectly effective. Judges are not juries. Judges…